Easter Blossom
So much is in bloom right now. In the wooded areas of the Green are scatterings of Primroses and Bluebells. Look for the Bird Cherry, with its dangling plumes of tiny white flowers. Later, these will develop into bitter, black fruits which are good for wildlife but not for human consumption. Kingcups, also known as Marsh Marigold, are growing by the pond and we’ve also spotted a Wood Anemone, one of first of a batch planted by the Friends of Albion Millennium Green in 2021, on one of our workdays. The Lilac is budding and smells wonderful and there is lots of Green Alkanet about, attracting bees, as well as clumps of Forget-Me-Not.
It is good to see butterflies about again. I spotted several Spotted Woods and either Large or Small Whites – they were moving too fast for me to identify. If you are keen on butterfly identification, do download the iRecord Butterflies app and look out for the ‘Big City Butterflies’ butterfly identification event we will be holding later in the year, on the 30th July.