Getting Involved

The Green is entirely run and managed by volunteers. Volunteer workdays are organised by the Friends of Albion Millennium Green and (subject to Covid guidelines) take place every second Saturday of the month from 10.30 to 2.30.
Our focus is on plant-management and on the overall maintenance of the site. Our aim is to strike a balance between encouraging natural growth and biodiversity and creating an environment that is safe for all.
You are welcome to join us for some or all of that time. Bring gardening gloves and wear sturdy footwear. Tools are provided. We assemble near the Albion Villas Road entrance. Please note that there are no WC or hand washing facilities, and no facilities for refreshments; do bring your own if required.
The ongoing care of the Green is carried out by the Friends of Albion Millennium Green (and by other local volunteers to whom we are very grateful).
Friends get involved in the monthly volunteer workdays, attend Friends meetings every two months, get involved in fund-raising, help organise community events on the Green, and make a small annual donation which is used to help towards the upkeep of the Green.
Details of how to become a Friend will be made available soon.
Albion Millennium Green is owned by the Albion Millennium Green Trust, Charity Commission number 1070868.
The Trustees of Albion Millennium Green are responsible for administering the work of the charity and ensuring that we carry out our remit as set out in our governing document. This remit is “to provide and maintain the Green” so that it may be used “forever as an area for informal recreation, play or leisure-time occupation, and as a meeting area or place for community events, and for any other lawful purpose consistent with these trusts and for the general benefit of the community.”
We currently have 6 trustees but have openings for additional trustees from the local area. Trustee meetings are combined into the Friends of Albion Millennium Green meetings that take place every two months.
If you would like to become a Trustee, please contact the Chair of Albion Millennium Green Trust on We would particularly welcome people with legal and accounting skills – one of our openings will be for a new treasurer. We are also keen to welcome Trustees who live or work in the vicinity of the Green.
Do please also read the Charity Commission guidance about the responsibilities of Trustees which may be found here.
Our Annual General Meetings are open to all. Our next AGM (for both the Albion Millennium Green Trust and the Friends of Albion Millennium Green) will be in November 2023. The date, time and venue details will be advised nearer the time.
Care of the Green is supported by donations supplemented by funds achieved from successful funding applications. Details of how to donate will be available soon and all contributions, however small, will be gratefully received.
We would love to receive any stories you might like to share, actual or fictional, inspired by the Green. Just email words and images to and indicate whether you would like to be identified by name, initials or remain anonymous. These will be collected in the “Stories” section of this website.