Daffodils … a lot of mud … and a plea to our visitors
The snowdrops we planted last year made a showing a few weeks back. This was lovely to see. Daffodils are currently in bloom and there are many other early signs of spring.
Sadly though much of the Green is muddy and in places water logged. Over the last year, areas that were grassy – notably our designated area of meadowland and our central seating area – have become progressively depleted of grass and are now in poor condition.
The Friends of Albion Millennium Green – the local volunteers who look after the Green – are looking into the best way to restore these areas to their former glory but we will need help and support from everyone using the Green, especially dog walkers.
Please could our human and animal visitors keep off the muddy areas. It is particularly important that dogs are not allowed to run or train in these areas as these activities have been damaging the health and biodiversity of the Green. We ask again that dogs be kept on a lead.