Our Refurbished Noticeboard
A while back the notice board fell down – the legs had become rotten. Great news that thanks to the ingenuity and skill of Robert McIntosh from the Forest Hill Society, and two hardy helpers, Andrew Orford and Billy Harding, the old board was repaired over the weekend and reinstalled. We also decided to reposition it – in its previous location, although very visible, the board blocked visual access to the Green, which several of us felt was a shame.
Today – realising that we may be due a lot of rain over the next few days – I gave the board a good clean and varnished it to made it weather-proof. It will need a few more coats later.
For now, we’ve replaced the Community Green Flag and added a notice inviting anyone who would like to help us, to come and volunteer on our once-monthly workdays.
Additional notices will be reposted in due course.