A “cleansing” start to the New Year
On Saturday 11th January, a frosty but bright day (thank goodness), seventeen local volunteers congregated on the Green for a collective litter pick of the railway footpath from Forest Hill to Sydenham. Part of the path runs alongside the Green.
The event was part of the Million Mile Clean initiative begun by Surfers against Sewage. AMG Friend Eleanor Malone, who spearheaded our involvement in this project, reported afterwards that we had collected about 100kg of waste. We were also asked to carry out a brand audit of the litter and “Guinness had the dubious honour” of topping our list.
Thank to everyone who came to help, including Billy Harding, Lewisham Councillor for Forest Hill Ward (pictured above with two other valiant volunteers)! Especial thanks to Eleanor, Sinead Mandlik from AMG Friends for publicising the event and lending us litter pickers, John Firmin, for picking up kit from Lewisham Council and helping publicise the event, Robert McIntosh, Chair of the Forest Hill Society, and others at the Forest Hill Society for their additional contributions to organising this event.
The cleanliness of the Railway Path makes a huge difference to everyone who uses it, and impacts the Green, where dealing with litter and fly tipping is a constant challenge. Our hope is that as we keep cleaning up, eventually a shift will occur resulting in less littering in our public spaces and a greater general desire to care for our environment.