

Albion Millennium Green is an “Open Space” meant for informal recreation. But we also organise or host activities and events.

If you would like to enquire about using the Green for a special event or activity, please contact us on


From Saturday 6 July 2024, Forest School Activities will be available for children from 3 to 12 years old. Details below.


Between June 2022 and March of 2023 the Catford-based Mud Club held wonderful weekly events for children on the Green.

Ellie Weidman, one of the Mud Club leaders said this about the Mud Club activities on the Green: “We would love families, parents, grandparents and carers to join us and have a little peace and calm in nature whilst we cook together, make delicious herbal teas (and good strong coffee) and have a good chat! The small people can explore, feel freedom and, if they want, get involved in some forest arts and crafts. We want to create a space where the forest energy can be soaked up by all!

A feeling of community, of warmth and nurture! One parent described a session as ‘MAGICAL’ and that is really what we want to get across. There is nothing more cosy than sharing homemade food cooked on the fire together!”


Over the years, the Green has hosted arts events and a festival. Our biggest arts event to date was LEAF (Little Ecological Arts Festival) which took place on 1-4 May 2013. It included commissioned art installations, informal art projects, a theatrical production, and more. Plans for LEAF 2 (2020) were interrupted by Covid-19.

The Green is also a lovely spot in which to read, write, draw or take photographs.


We aim to run at least one Community Party a year, in the Summer. These are informal family friendly events, featuring art activities, nature walks, games, and refreshments.

Local schools also make use of the Green for nature study trips.


Albion Millennium Green has its own seven-circuit Classical labyrinth. It was constructed in 2013 by local artist during the LEAF festival mentioned above. Please visit the section of this website dedicated to the Labyrinth for more information.


The Green is entirely run and managed by volunteers. Volunteer workdays are organised by the Friends of Albion Millennium Green and take place EVERY SECOND SATURDAY OF THE MONTH from 10.30 to 2.30.

Our focus is on plant-management and on the overall maintenance of the site. Our aim is to strike a balance between encouraging natural growth and biodiversity and creating an environment that is safe for all.

You are welcome to join us for some or all of that time. Bring gardening gloves and wear sturdy footwear. Tools are provided. We assemble near the Albion Villas Road entrance. Please note that there are no WC or hand washing facilities, and no facilities for refreshments; do bring your own if required.


  • Our Refurbished Noticeboard
    A while back the notice board fell down – the legs had become rotten. Great news that thanks to the ingenuity and skill of Robert McIntosh from the Forest Hill Society, and two hardy helpers, Andrew Orford and Billy Harding, the old board was repaired over the weekend and reinstalled. We also decided to reposition it – in its previous location, although very visible, the board blocked visual access to the Green, which several of us felt was a shame….

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  • A “cleansing” start to the New Year
    On Saturday 11th January, a frosty but bright day (thank goodness), seventeen  local volunteers congregated on the Green for a collective litter pick of the railway footpath from Forest Hill to Sydenham. Part of the path runs alongside the Green. The event was part of the Million Mile Clean initiative begun by Surfers against Sewage. AMG Friend Eleanor Malone, who spearheaded our involvement in this project, reported afterwards that we had collected about 100kg of waste. We were also asked…

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  • Second Pegasus charity workday on the Green
    Heartfelt thanks to AMG Friend Claire Gayle and to her colleagues at the Pegasus Group, for returning this year (on Friday 11 October) to help us out on the Green. After a rainy week, we were relieved that the day was dry and bright! Yet again so much was achieved: the old, disused dog pond was filled up (a muddy and muscle-stretching job) … … a load of woodchip was distributed on paths, hedges were trimmed, and a huge area…

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  • Forest Arts and Crafts on the Green – and a new Forest School
    On Sunday 9th June, we teamed up with the Forest Hill Society and Evelyn from Exploring Nature Ltd to host forest arts and crafts activities on the Green. The event was part of the Forest Hill Society’s ‘Forest Hill Walking Festival’ and was created especially for children and families. Featured activities included decorating pebbles, embellishing glass jars, and creating art inspired by Hapa Zome, which means “leaf dye” in Japanese. It is a printmaking technique that uses the natural pigments…

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  • Forest Hill Walking Festival Family Events on the Green
    Albion Millennium Green is participating in the Forest Hill Society’s Walking Festival this Sunday. There will be activities for children and adults to enjoy. Visit the Forest Hill Society’s Facebook page here for more details. The walk starts at 11am at Forest Hill Station. It is an easy circular 30 minute walk over 1 mile which ends back at the station. The walk is on the GoJauntly App illustrated with photos. Visit GoJauanty here for details. Do come and join…

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